Storage & Packing Tips


Make the most of your self-storage unit by planning the space carefully

Storage & Packing Tips

Pet storage
11 Dec, 2020
If you ask most pet owners they will tell you that a pet very quickly becomes a part of the family. Best friend, fur baby, guard dog, and the list doesn't end there. Pet come in all shapes and sizes and with that their needs and accessories come too. And while you're busy training your new puppy to do cute tricks its easy to miss the toys and pet paraphernalia taking over the house! These tips will help to stop your house getting taken over by toys and pet supplies and keep your home safe and tidy.
Christchurch cardboard church
23 Sep, 2020
Christchurch, or Ōtautahi is known throughout New Zealand as the 'The garden city". It is one of the 3 largest cities in the country and has taken pride of place as the de facto capital city of the South Island. More and more people are choosing to relocate to Christchurch either from other parts of New Zealand or from other countries across the world. If you're thinking of moving here or even just visiting our beautiful city for a holiday then here is our handy guide to all things Christchurch!
Self storage units in Christchurch
14 Aug, 2020
The countdown to summer has begun and with it, kiwis across the country are getting ready for the warmer months, putting away ski jackets and chunky cozy scarves and sweatshirts and digging out their togs jandals. Anyone short on space can find this challenging and will be all too familiar with struggle of the rotating wardrobe. So the question is where can you store it safely? In the garage, the attic, under the bed? We're bringing you some ideas on how to make the most of your space and make sure that when winter rolls back around that you winter wear is fresh and ready to go when you need it.
Self Storage tiny house
20 Jun, 2020
Living small has never been so big! With more and more people making the move to a simpler more economical way of life, tiny houses are popping everywhere and their popularity is increasing by the day. The tiny-house movement has become the answer to the issue of affordable housing and promotes an economical and sustainable home within the community. A quick web search will show you homes of all shape and sizes, a testament to just how creative the designers and builders of tiny homes can be. Homeowners have full control over the size and portability of their new house depending on their needs. So if you feel like less is more, then a tiny home is the perfect choice. With limited square footage there is one thing that is common across all tiny home dwellers, and thats the need for clever and creative storage options. So we're bringing you some inventive tips to help minimize the clutter and maximize the space in your tiny house.
Winter Storage units christchurch
07 May, 2020
When getting ready for any change in season there are so many things to remember! Spring and summer have us digging out our togs, prepping the boat, rods and waders for fishing season and getting a fresh wax on the surf board. Autumn brings with it a whole new set of things to prepare for winter! New Zealand temperatures and conditions can swing dramatically from season to season causing damage to outdoor and indoor tools and other common thing around the home. This is where winterising comes into play! Preventing expensive equipment from freezing and corroding is a crucial part of preparing for the winter months ahead. We are bringing you a list of things to remember in your preparation for the months ahead.
Short Term Storage units Christchruch
24 Apr, 2020
As with Long term storage, the need for a short term storage unit could be for many reasons. You may be re-decorating the house and need a place to keep your valuables safe and clean or you are moving and want to stage your home for prospective buyers. This is a great way to get your belongings out of the house temporarily. We also have a lot of customers renting storage while head away on an extended holiday or work trip. Some reasons are more common than others but here are a few that we commonly come across.
Belfast Road Self Storage
16 Apr, 2020
The start of 2020 has seen some big changes in how we do business both in New Zealand and also across the world, with more and more people working from home or finding that their employment options are limited. Individuals and businesses are looking for ways to boost their income, reduce their running costs and some are going as far as to start up a new venture from home. It has been clear for some time that you don't need a physical shop to start selling a product or service and the success stories of people setting up in their spare room or garage are easy to find. We have had many clients who rent storage space from us for their stock, and we've learned a thing or two from them along the way.
Self storage wardrobe
09 Apr, 2020
Although the sun is still shining we all know that winter is on its way and with many of us hanging out at home with some spare time on our hands its a great opportunity to get organised! Here are our top tips and for organising your home and storing unnecessary items.
Desk space with computer and office supplies
26 Mar, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is the only thing that the world is talking about at the moment, and with New Zealand heading into the alert level 4 lockdown there will be some big changes for kiwis over the next few months. For a lot of people there has never been the option to work remotely or from home and the idea of setting up a home office is completely alien to you. However, working from home can offer some great advantages such as the flexibility of setting your own schedule, no daily commute and saving time and money if you are self employed. This transition to working from home can be made even more difficult if you are a parent and your kids are at home with you too! So we are bringing you some top tips and ideas of how to set up your workspace with the right equipment to be a productive and creative space.
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