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The Tiny House Revolution

Jun 20, 2020

As people around the world are downsizing their lives and jumping on the Tiny house bandwagon, Living small has never been so big  

With more and more people making the move to a simpler more economical way of life, tiny houses are popping everywhere and their popularity is increasing by the day.  The tiny-house movement has become the answer to the issue of affordable housing and promotes an economical and sustainable home within the community.

A quick web search will show you homes of all shape and sizes, a testament to just how creative the designers and builders of tiny homes can be.  Homeowners have full control over the size and portability of their new house depending on their needs.  So if you feel like less is more, then a tiny home is the perfect choice.

With limited square footage there is one thing that is common across all tiny home dwellers, and thats the need for clever and creative storage options.  So we're bringing you some inventive tips to help minimize the clutter and maximize the space in your tiny house. 

Design it Right

If you have the luxury of  building your tiny house from scratch then the sky really is the limit on how you can use the space you have.  And working with a dedicated tiny house builder or designer will get you the best outcome here.  Companies like Build Tiny work closely with their clients to create a custom design depending on their needs.    

When it comes to both the fixed items and movable furniture in your home you need look at every nook and cranny and really think out of the box, often the more unconventional the idea seems the better it is!

Check out this how-to on adding under cabinet draws to increase kitchen storage.  If you want to make sure that your furry friends don't get left out, consider including a built in nook or dog crate space under a side table or kitchen cabinet.  The thing to remember is that although you can make changes and additions later some of these decisions need to be made before you start your build.

Simplify your kitchen

Many fond memories can be recalled from time spent in kitchen or around the dining table.  So a functional and well planned kitchen is essential to a happy life in your tiny house.   If you are not making conscious and calculated choices it can be very easy to accumulate all manor of gadgets.  The key here is to do your research and find appliances that have multiple uses.  Instead of a toaster, microwave, and oven invest in a good quality toaster oven, some of these even come with built in hotplates. 

Take a good look at how many pots, pans, crockery and cutlery you need and think about creative ways to present and store everything.  Pegboards and hooks are a great way to store and hang pots, mugs, spatulas and small appliances to free up counter top and cupboard space. 

“Happiness is a small house, with a big kitchen.” 
Alfred Hitchcock.

Choose the right furniture

When it comes to furniture, like your kitchen appliances, multi-purpose is your friend!  A tiny home often uses one space in many ways, so maybe your coffee table extends into a pull out dining table, or your stairs double as kitchen draws or hanging wardrobe storage? 

There are so many ways that you can customise your couch to be more than just where you cozy up with a good book.  Pick a sofa with a pull out bed for guests or create storage boxes under the cushions for blankets or games and toys.   You could solve all your dining room, coffee table and couch needs with this clever slide out table and chairs idea from Go Downsize.

Play around with Light and Dark

When planning the layout of your space, taking advantage of some common and simple tricks of the design trade can have a huge impact.  The biggest and most effective of these is how you use light and dark to create the illusion of space.  As well as using a monochromatic colour scheme, you can use mirrors so reflect light and help a room look larger.  

Using frosted glass in the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom cabinets also will help to reflect light but still hide any clutter.  If you have the option then try to include larger windows or doors at the design stage of your build, bringing the outside into your home.  

Sometimes the only way is up

Taking advantage of vertical space gives you the best chance of maximising your tiny house storage.  Shelving and cabinets can go floor to ceiling so they are are a great way to store or display your favorite treasures above windows for example or keep things close by that you use more often

Whether you're moving, downsizing or just need a place to put some boxes, we look at how to find a storage facility that's right for you. We offer great value, secure storage units in Christchurch with flexible agreements which can dove-tail with your personal requirements.  Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with your storage needs, 
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